مع مجموعة كاملة من 10 أزواج من Tribells تتميز بتصميمنا المميز الذي لا يتدحرج وطلاء RPU شديد التحمل ومقاوم للخدش والتآكل والتمزق، ستكون الصالات الرياضية جاهزة لخدمة عشاق اللياقة البدنية عالية الكثافة والوظيفية. تتناسب المجموعة بشكل جميل مع هرم Tribell Pyramid المتين المكون من 10 أزواج والذي يظهرها وكأنها أعمال فنية. مصنوعة من أنابيب فولاذية بيضاوية وفولاذ لوحي بسمك 2 مم، نفس لغة تصميم ZIVA واضحة في كليهما، مما يعطي جمالية موحدة لا لبس فيها تمنح الصالات الرياضية مظهرًا وشعورًا أكثر تميزًا.
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A unique flexible seat mount enhances comfort by shifting with the natural movement of your body as you ride.
You can enjoy your favorite shows, music and movies while you workout. Our XIR console comes with Netflix, YouTube, Spotify, and other popular entertainment apps that make it easy to log in with your own account. Entertainment apps are subject to change.
Our Comfort Arc Seat is ergonomically molded to provide unmatched comfort, support and balance during workouts.
Our Dual Form Frame significantly improves rider stability over single-post designs and offers a low step-through height for easy access.
A thoughtful contoured mesh seatback provides ventilation to help keep you cool while you ride.
Our 16″ console features a brilliant HD touchscreen display to bring your virtual journeys, movies, and videos to life. Includes WiFi, Bluetooth, and an HDMI port to stream whatever moves you.
Connect your wireless headphones and the included Bluetooth heart rate monitor. Connect to popular training apps via Bluetooth FTMS.
Connect your console via WiFi for software updates, web browsing and entertainment apps
Connect your phone or tablet via HDMI to mirror your device on the high-definition screen. Or play your favorite apps from your streaming media device.
Play music and video content on the console by connecting your mobile device to the console via USB. Compatible with most Windows and Android phones, tablets and MP3 players.
Includes a web browser to search your favorite sites.
Keep every workout fresh with metric-driven cardio programs, create your own custom workouts, and repeat workouts automatically saved in your workout calendar.
Our best speakers are integrated to give you the option of listening to your shows, movies, music and programs without headphones.
After 15 minutes of inactivity, the console switches to sleep status, which draws less energy.